Hera Syndulla has been included in numerous Star Wars comics, including magazine and miniseries issues.Her first appearance was in 2015, following her animation introduction in 2014 in the Rebels TV show, voiced by the talented Vanessa Marshall.I'm insane & have too much free time, so I've organized several lists of the comics, which I'm constantly updating and developing. Use the links below!!

created by: kris (@eveningjedi); dm with any issues or questions!!

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click the images for more info!

Star Wars: Kanan
Book 1: The Last Padawan (2015)

writer: Greg Weisman
artists: Pepe Larraz, Jacopo Camagni, David Curiel
total issues #: 1-6
hera's issues #: 1, 5, 6

Star Wars: Kanan
Book 2: First Blood (2015-2016)

writer: Greg Weisman
artists: Pepe Larraz, Mark Brooks, David Curiel
total issues #: 7-12
hera's issues #: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Star Wars: Forces of Destiny
Issue #1: Leia (2018)

writers: Elsa Charretier, Pierrick Colinet
artists: Elsa Charretier, Sarah Stern
issues #: 1
hera's issues #: 1

Star Wars: Forces of Destiny
Issue #3: Hera (2018)

writer: Devin Grayson
artists: Eva Widermann, Monica Kubina
issues #: 3
hera's issues #: 3

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra
Vol. 3: Remastered (2017-2018)

writers: Kieron Gillen, Simon Spurrier
artists: Emilio Laiso, Rachelle Rosenberg
issues #: 14-19
hera's issues #: 17, 18, 19

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra
Vol. 4: The Catastrophe Con (2018)

writer: Simon Spurrier
artist: Kev Walker, Java Tartaglia
issues #: 20-25
hera's issues #: 21, 22

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra

Vol. 6: Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon (2019)

writer: Simon Spurrier
artists: Wilton Santos, Cris Bolson, Chris O'Halloran
issues #: 32-36
hera's issues #: 36

SW Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle
Issue #1: The Haunting of the Ghost (2018)

writer: Cavan Scott
artists: Derek Charm, Chris Fenoglio
issues #: 1
hera's issues #: 1

Star Wars (2015-2018)
Vol. 8: Mutiny at Mon Cala (2018)

writer: Kieron Gillen
artist: Salvador Larroca, Guru-eFX
issues #: 44-49
hera's issues #: 45

Star Wars (2015-2018)
Vol. 9: Hope Dies (2018)

writers: Kieron Gillen, Cullen Bunn
artist: Salvador Larroca, Giuseppe Camuncoli
issues #: 50-55
hera's issues #: 50, 55

Star Wars: Thrawn
Miniseries (2018)

writer: Jody Houser
artists: Luke Ross, Nolan Woodard
issues #: 1-6
hera's issues #: 6

Star Wars Adventures
Vol. 3: Endangered (2018)

writer: Delilah S. Dawson
artist: Derek Charm
issues #: 6-8
hera's issues #: 7, 8

Star Wars Rebels Magazine
Full TPB (2015-2017)

writers: Jeremy Barlow, Martin Fisher, Alec Worley
artists: Ingo Römling, Bob Molesworth, Cosmo White, Eva Widermann, Ruairí Coleman
issues #: 1-39
hera's issues #: 1-2, 5-10, 12-13, 15-16, 18-20, 22-23, 30, 33-34

Star Wars Rebels Webcomic
Vol. 1 (2019, Japan; 2020, US)

writer: Akira Aoki
artist: Akira Aoki
chapters #: 1-10
hera's chapters #: TBA

Star Wars Rebels Webcomic
Vol. 2 (2020, Japan; 2021, US)

writer: Akira Aoki
artist: Akira Aoki
chapters #: 11-23
hera's chapters #: TBA

Star Wars Rebels Webcomic
Vol. 3 (2021, Japan; 2022, US)

writer: Akira Aoki
artist: Akira Aoki
chapters #: 24-34
hera's chapters #: TBA

Star Wars (2020-present)
Future Vol. 5 (2022-2023)

writer: Charles Soule
artist: Ramon Rosanas
issues #: 26-32
hera's issues #: 26, 27, 28

Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024-present)
Future Issues #7-8 (2025)

writer: Rodney Barnes
artists: Steven Cummings, Georges Jeanty
issues #: 1-6
hera's issues #: TBA

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There isn't a necessary reading order for the comics; although most are canon stories, they don't connect in a specific order outside of general knowledge of the Star Wars universe!Personally I would start with whichever comic run sounds the most interesting to you (and obviously, read the issues in order)! Here are a few different organizations.

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some page numbers are based on online versions of the issues and may vary among hard copies. *click issue # for the Wookieepedia page*; some links are still a work-in-progress!

Star Wars: Kanan ('15-'16) 
issue #1"Part I: Fight"p. 6
issue #5"Part V: Release"p. 20
issue #6"Epilogue: Haunt"p. 1, 3-5, 7-9
issue #7"Part I: The Corridors of Coruscant"p. 3
issue #8"Part II: The Towers of the Temple"p. 3
issue #9"Part III: The Canyons of Kardoa"p. 3
issue #10"Part IV: The Mesas of Mygeeto"p. 3-4
issue #11"Part V: The Fog of War"p. 3, 14, 15
issue #12"Epilogue: The Ties That Bind"p. 1
Tales from Vader's Castle ('18) 
issue #1"The Haunting of the Ghost"p. 6⠀⠀⠀⠀
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra ('16-'19) 
issue #17"Remastered, Part IV"p. 4, 9-10, 15-18, 21
issue #18"Remastered, Part V"p. 1, 4-5, 7, 9-21
issue #19"Remastered, Part VI"p. 3-4, 9-11, 19
issue #21"The Catastrophe Con, Part II"p. 3-4, 15-17
issue #22"The Catastrophe Con, Part III"p. 19
issue #36"Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon, Part V"p. 9
Star Wars ('15-'19) 
issue #45"Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part II"p. 6-7⠀⠀⠀⠀
issue #50"Hope Dies, Part I"p. 7, 15
issue #55"Hope Dies, Part VI"p. 12
Star Wars ('20-'23) 
issue #26"The Path to Victory"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 9-10
issue #27"The Good People"p. 21
issue #28"The Calculus of Loss"p. 3-5, 11, 21-22
Star Wars: Thrawn ('18) 
issue #6"Star Wars: Thrawn #6"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 19⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Star Wars: Forces of Destiny ('18) 
issue #1"Leia"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 3, 5, 7, 10-11, 21
issue #3"Hera"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 3, 5-12, 14-20, 22
Star Wars Adventures ('17-'20) 
issue #7"Endangered, Part I"p. 2, 4-5, 8, 24
issue #8"Endangered, Part II"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 15-16
Star Wars Rebels Magazine TPB ('15-'17) 
issue #1"Ring Race"p. 9-13, 15, 17-20
issue #2"Learning Patience"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 22, 24-32
issue #5"Return of the Slavers"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 58, 68
issue #6"Eyes on the Prize"p. 76
issue #7"Sabotaged Supplies"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 82-83, 88-92
issue #8"Ezra's Vision"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 95-97, 99-100, 104
issue #9"Senate Perspective"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 105-107, 109-111, 114-116
issue #10"Becoming Hunted"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 128
issue #12"Ocean Rescue"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 141, 152
issue #13"Secrets of Sienar"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 157, 164
issue #15"A Day's Duty"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 188
issue #16"Ice Breaking"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 200
issue #18"Academy Cadets"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 213, 218, 220, 223-224
issue #19"Escaping the Scrap Pile"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 227, 236
issue #20"The Gangsters of Galzez"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 237-238, 240, 245, 247-248
issue #22"The Thune Cargo"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 272
issue #23"Always Bet on Chop"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 284
issue #30"The Wrong Crowd"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 361-368
issue #33"Sons of the Sky"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 394
issue #34"Final Round"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p. 405-409, 411-413, 415-416

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2015_JAN 28
____ FEB 25
____ APR 01
____ MAY 20
____ JUN 17
____ JUL 15
____ AUG 12
____ AUG 19
____ SEP 09
____ SEP 23
____ OCT 07
____ OCT 28
____ NOV 18
____ DEC 02
____ DEC 16
____ DEC 30

SW Rebels Magazine — issue #1
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #2
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #1
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #5
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #6
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #7
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #8
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #5
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #9
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #6
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #10
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #7
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #8
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #12
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #9
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #13

2016_JAN 27
____ FEB 24
____ MAR 16
____ MAR 23
____ MAY 18
____ JUN 08
____ JUL 06
____ AUG 31
____ SEP 28

Star Wars: Kanan — issue #10
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #11
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #15
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #12
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #16
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #18
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #19
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #20
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #22
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #23

2018_JAN 03
____ JAN 17
____ FEB 21
____ MAR 07
____ MAR 21
____ MAR 28
____ APR 12
____ APR 25
____ JUN 27
____ JUL 04
____ JUL 05
____ JUL 11
____ JUL 25
____ AUG 02
____ SEP 18
____ OCT 03

Forces of Destiny: Leia — issue #1
Forces of Destiny: Hera — issue #3
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #17
Star Wars Adventures — issue #7
Star Wars (2015) — issue #45
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #18
Star Wars Adventures — issue #8
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #30
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #19
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #21
Star Wars (2015) — issue #50
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #33
Star Wars: Thrawn — issue #6
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #22
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #34
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #36
Tales from Vader's Castle — issue #1
Star Wars (2015) — issue #55

2019_DEC 132020_SEP 15
____ NOV 17
2021_SEP 15
____ SEP 28
2022_JUN 22
____ AUG 17
____ SEP 07
____ OCT 12
2024_JUL 10
____ AUG 28
____ SEP 25
____ OCT 09
____ NOV 06
____ DEC 18

SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. 1 (JP)SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. 2 (JP)
SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. 1 (US)
SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. 3 (JP)
SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. 2 (US)
SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. 3 (US)
Star Wars (2020) — issue #26
Star Wars (2020) — issue #27
Star Wars (2020) — issue #28
Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024) — issue #1
Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024) — issue #2
Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024) — issue #3
Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024) — issue #4
Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024) — issue #5
Star Wars: Ahsoka (2024) — issue #6

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green titles do not have a definite year, but have a range of years; they are listed underneath every year within their range.

19 BBY

Star Wars: Kanan — issue #1 (prologue: 4 BBY)
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #7 (prologue: 4 BBY)
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #8 (prologue: 4 BBY)
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #9 (prologue: 4 BBY)
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #10 (prologue: 4 BBY)
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #11 (frame: 4 BBY)

18 BBY

Star Wars: Kanan — issue #5 (epilogue: 4 BBY)

16-2 BBY

Star Wars: Thrawn — issue #6

11-5 BBY

Tales from Vader's Castle — issue #1


SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. #1-3
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #1
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #2
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #6
Forces of Destiny: Hera — issue #3


SW Rebels Webcomic — vol. #1-3
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #6
Star Wars: Kanan — issue #12
Forces of Destiny: Hera — issue #3
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #5
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #6
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #7
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #8
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #9
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #10
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #12
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #13
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #15
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #18
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #19
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #20
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #23
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #30


Forces of Destiny: Hera — issue #3
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #15
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #16
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #18
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #19
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #20
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #22
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #23
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #30


Star Wars Adventures — issue #7
Star Wars Adventures — issue #8
Forces of Destiny: Hera — issue #3
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #19
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #22
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #23
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #30
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #33
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #34


Forces of Destiny: Hera — issue #3
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #23


Forces of Destiny: Hera — issue #3
SW Rebels Magazine — issue #23


Star Wars (2015) — issue #45
Star Wars (2015) — issue #50
Star Wars (2015) — issue #55


Forces of Destiny: Leia — issue #1
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #17
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #18
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #19
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #21
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #22
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra — issue #36
Star Wars (2020) — issue #26
Star Wars (2020) — issue #27
Star Wars (2020) — issue #28


Star Wars (2020) — issue #26
Star Wars (2020) — issue #27
Star Wars (2020) — issue #28

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organization: [penciller], [colorist]. for a full list of all involved artists for each comic, click the images on this page!

Tales from Vader's Castle (1)

SW: Kanan (1, 5, 7-11)

SW: Kanan (6)

SW Rebels Webcomic (1-3)

SW 2020 (26-28)

Forces of Destiny (Leia)

Forces of Destiny (Hera)

SW: Kanan (12)

SW Rebels (2, 5, 7, 9, 19, 22, 30, 34)

SW: Thrawn (6)

SW Rebels (TPB Cover)

Doctor Aphra (17-19)

Doctor Aphra (21-22)

Doctor Aphra (36)

SW Rebels (1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 23, 33)

SW Rebels (13, 15, 18)